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I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. John 4:35
Christian Living Ministries
The Christian Living Ministries is an independent devotional and multifaceted Christian ministry working in our people to transform them by the wonderful, gracious and lifesaving message of Jesus Christ and committed to practically share His love within our people to fulfill the great command; go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
The Christian Living Ministries is a non-profit and registered Christian ministry dedicated to serve the depressed, poor and needy people of our community. Pastor Anand Ravuriand Evangelist Suji Sowjanya both are husband and wife serving the Lord and lead this fruitful ministry. God use them both in prayer meetings, teaching the Bible and in healing crusades which are conduct in open-air.
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Christian Living Ministries (CLM) is a non-profitable organization committed to reaching the unreached rural and tribal communities of South India. As our ministry is always engaged with the socially and economically underprivileged groups, we constantly work for the transformation and empowerment of individuals and communities.
We are promoting God’s love among the poor, illiterate, hill tribes, lepers and orphans. By sharing the love and the message of salvation, we are extending the Kingdom of God...,
India needs the liberating truth and power from the message of Jesus Christ!

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